
Instead of using your own travel mug, you buy your G12able Membership in our cup-sharing program. You don’t have to remember to bring a cup when you go to a coffee shop or restaurant, and you don’t have to carry the cup around with you–when you’re done with the drink, you can just drop the G12able cup off at another cafe partner.

Membership Plans


FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q. I’ve broken/lost a cup, what now? As the cup is in your possession you will have to buy a replacement for 87 SEK. Please email info@g12ablesolutions.se to initiate. Q. I’ve broken/lost a lid– can I get another one? Yes - we have spare lids at the cafes and are charged at 10 SEK. Q. Can I keep my lid? Yes – the system is designed to be a flexible as you require! Please just let the Café know you’ve already got the lid. Q. Do I have to clean my cup? It will be great if you can do it, thanks in advance. Q. I really like your cups - can I get one customized for my business? Absolutely, depending on quantities required. We’re also open to partnership opportunities so please do reach out. Q. I have an issue/complaint/suggestion - what should I do? We are a small team and learning each day and any feedback is valuable as we seek to improve our effectiveness in our mission. Please email info@g12ablesolutions.se and please put in the subject -"Feedback". Q. Do I own the cup? Currently, your membership grants you access to 2 cups and affiliated cafe network but you do not actually own the cup (you have subscribed to a service). Q. What if I don’t want to continue my subscription as a host partner? 
Many thank for being with us – your support of our mission does make a difference! Please ensure that all cups have been returned – you have 7 days grace after the end of your subscription to return them. If you don’t return them within this period, you will automatically be charged 65 SEK for any cups you have in your possession (“Cups Checked Out”) Q. I'd love to keep updated with your progress, do you have an email subscription? Yes, though we encourage you to follow us on social media (e.g. Instagram & FB) as believe we all receive too much marketing information already via email and don't want to clog up your inbox. Please email info@g12ablesolutions.se and please put in the subject "Progress email Requested"